BioGuard Technologies - Sustained Release Innovations


Peter Van Voris

Peter is a senior executive with 20 years of management and entrepreneurial experience focused on strategic planning, developing industrial alliances, technology commercialization, and marketing advanced technologies. Product commercialization experience emphasized partnerships with well-positioned businesses, and tracking deployment and growth of profitable products. He earned a Ph.D. in systems analysis and has more than 20 years of experience in formal business management, technology marketing and product commercialization.

Currently, Dr. Van Voris is President, CEO and Chairman of BioGuard Technologies, Inc., where he is responsible for

  • day-to-day operations, guiding market focus studies and patent due diligence associated with the formation of the holding company and its subsidiary.
  • defining mission, objectives and developing a business plan for the corporation. Negotiating business deals with both customers and investors.
  • identifying acquisitions and negotiating offers, developing patent strategy and executing details of a corporate intellectual property protection plan.

Dr. Van Voris's work is published in over 80 journal articles, book chapters, symposium volumes, U.S. Government documents, and project technical reports. Also, he has delivered more than 150 domestic and international presentations. He holds several U.S. and foreign patents for long-term, controlled-release technologies.

Dr. Van Voris earned his B.A. in biology and chemistry from Kenyon College, M.A. in radiation biology from SUNY at Buffalo, and a Ph.D. in systems analysis and simulation from the University of Tennessee.

Ouch! A flea!
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